Paper Quilling Fruit Designs – Quilling for Kids – Svara’s Quilling



Hi.  Welcome back to my page.  These are my paper quilling fruits and vegetables.  Read below to find out how I made them.


All of the paper strips that I use are about 12″ long.  So if I say I used a whole strip it is 12″.  If I say I used half of a strip it is 6″.


First I glued together two strips of orange paper.  I rolled it into a circle, glued it, and then pinched it into a teardrop. Then I took three strips of green paper and rolled them each into a kind of tight circle, glued them, and pinched them into teardrops as well.  Then I glued all the pieces together.


I took a single strips of yellow paper, quilled it into a circle, and let it expand.  Then I glued it and pinched both sides and then pinned it to my board to make a banana shape. Then I took a very small strip of brown and rolled it into a very tight circle. I turned it sideways, put some glue on it, and attached it to one end of the banana.


I took six short strips of purple and rolled them into tight circles. I glued them all together. Then I took a tiny strip of green, and rolled it into a loose circle.  I pinched both sides and glued it to the top of the grapes.


I took one strip of orange and made it into a loose circle.  I glued it shut and set it out to dry. I made the same kind of little brown circle top as for the banana and glued it to the orange circle.


I took one strip of red and rolled it into a kind of tight circle and glued it closed and set it to dry. Then I took about a half strip of brown and rolled it into a tight circle and pinched both ends to make the stem of the apple. Then I did the same with a light green half strip, but only pinched it on one end.


You can use these cute fruits for pictures on cards and they might be okay for small pendants.  Make sure to put sealant on first if you use it for jewelry. (click here to learn how to put sealant on jewelry) You can make double to use them for earrings also. You can use these designs for rings if you put them in the inset rings (click here to see inset rings).

Coming soon: a quilled saucepan!

Click here to see all of my quilling for kids projects.


Svara Narasiah:

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