Quilling for Kids – Svara’s Quilling Work

My daughter, Svara, is 7 years old.  She has been joining me at quilling since she was four, but has only in the past several months started enthusiastically making designs of her own.  She is even asking me to share them on the blog!

So periodically I will share some of her designs she has proudly made and photographed.  Earlier in the year she helped with one quilling tutorial for kids and she has plans for many more tutorials!

But for today, I’ll just share a few of her recent pieces 🙂

Since I like to make quilled jewelry, Svara is also interested in making her own designs.  These pendants were designs of her own that she thought up and made all by herself.  The last design here is the middle and one petal of a flower – she was experimenting with gluing two strips of paper together to make a petal.


Here is Svara at work!  She does her quilling on a small wooden folding table near my quilling desk.  Like any quiller, she enjoys trying out new tools!  On this day she was trying out the mini mold!



She works hard to get her coils just right!  On the very day that I got my border buddy
(click here for some tips on using a border buddy!) she was so excited and wanted to be the first to try!


Lastly, for today, here is a snail she made the other day.  I thought this was so cute and  createive – it sticks up from the board like it’s a real snail just crawling along.  The antennae are adorable!


I’ll be back soon with more of Svara’s work and hopefully a kid’s tutorial as well.  Just today she was working on making a little crab.

Don’t go anywhere, there is lots to see here on the blog!

Click here to view free paper quilling tutorials!

Click here to view paper quilling tips and tricks!

Click here to view a list of places to buy quilling supplies around the world!

Click here to view some of my own quilling projects, with tips so you can make your own if you’d like!

*All products and supplies mentioned in this post I purchased and/or made on my own.

*This post contains some affiliate links, and some non affiliate links.  If you purchase products through the affiliate links I get a small percentage (at no extra cost to you!).  I only link to products that I believe in and/or love to use myself.  Thank you for supporting my blog!


Svara Narasiah: