Advertising on Honey’s Quilling

So, you are interested in advertising here on Honey’s Quilling?  You have come at the right time!  This blog is up and coming, and pulling in more views every day.  

Currently (April 2015) it is getting 101,000 pageviews each month, and rising!

I have 8 ad spaces available on the right hand sidebar.  These appear on all blog pages and posts, and on most other pages.

Choose from 2 sizes: (measured in pixels, width by height))

  • small rectangle ad 300 by 125
  • large rectangle ad 300 by 250

Prices are set at a low introductory rate right now.  They are liable to change without notice.  When you send me a message that you’d like to advertise on the blog, let me know the length of time you would like to book it for.  You can pay and book the spot for up to 3 months at the current price.  If you book for one month and the price has risen by then and you want to continue, you will have to pay the new price.

*note* prices are in USD


  • How many clicks can I expect?  This depends a lot on the quality of your ad.  Make sure that it is eye catching and inviting!  Colorful ads get more clicks. The larger size ads tend to draw more clicks than the smaller ones.  As a ballpark figure, ads are currently drawing in 15-100 clicks per month.  Yours may vary from this, but it is a helpful estimate.
  • Do you do product/book reviews and/or sponsored posts? If a book or product is applicable to paper quilling or paper quilled jewelry and you would like me to do a review, please do contact me!  I accept either paid posts or posts written in exchange for the product being reviewed. Please be aware that all opinions in my review will be my own and I will give a positive or negative review as I see fit.  It is important for me to be transparent and honest with my readers!


Advertising on Honey's Quilling

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