Hoo Hoo – More Paper Quilled Owl Jewelry

A couple weeks ago I posted some new owls that I had listed in my etsy shop.  Mostly pendants, but some earrings as well.  I’ve taken some time to photograph more of my new stock and get it listed, so here are a few more owls for your enjoyment and inspiration!


First up, some of the double owls!

This brown one is a cute little barn owl


And a grey owl!  I added spooky yellow eyes to this one, reminding me of an intense owl’s gaze.  Wouldn’t want to meet this fella in the woods at night, but around someone’s neck it’s safe and sound.



Being a Harry Potter fan, I couldn’t help but make a white snowy owl, reminiscent of Hedwig.  Of all my owl patterns, this one worked best for Hedwig because I could add in the black edges of feathers on the tummy.



I have a few more of the big oval owl pendants up  as well.

First up, another grey barn owl!

Here is a rust brown owl that I made more recently.  These colors are not taken from any real owl, I just like the combination 🙂  I was experimenting with adding some gold edged paper to the design, so I put some in the eyes and made the beak gold edged as well.



After the brown owl I wanted to do one that focused even more on the gold edge, so I decided a black background would be just the thing!



And finally, here is the last grey barn owl, done in the feather owl design.  It is smaller than the others for those who want a more subtle, yet still eye catching, design!


If you are interested in learning how to make these and other owl designs yourself, I have a detailed tutorial here in my Etsy shop.  It is available as a digital download at both shops.

If you are just getting started, I have a FREE tutorial for the small simple owl pendant (the neon one in the tutorial photo above) right here on the blog!

Click here to view free paper quilling tutorials!

Click here to view paper quilling tips and tricks!

Click here to view a list of places to buy quilling supplies around the world!

Click here to view some of my own quilling projects, with tips so you can make your own if you’d like!

